Q&compl Aints
Sometimes you’re in the mood for something a little more to the point. A simple Q uestion that throws your mind in all sorts of directions. An A nswer inevitably spinning into complaints . I hope you’ll indulge me. But more importantly, I hope you let me know your complaints.
Here’s the full list of questions . . . and soooo many answers!
#623 What often takes far longer than it needs to? #622 Where would be an original place for a first date? #621 What is the most versatile non-4-letter word in English? #620 What object in your home are you embarrassed about owning? #619 What phrase best describes your eating habits? #618 What are you amazed never emerged as a conspiracy theory? #617 Where do you like going for short periods of time? #616 What is your favorite fruit? #615 What’s the ultimate “And then it got worse” story? #614 Who is the most confident person you’ve ever met? #613 What is the very “definition” of trust? #612 What was your greatest collaboration? #611 What is the most exciting thing you can imagine? #610 What was the most difficult goal you’ve ever set? #609 What did kids tease you most about growing up? #608 What movie desperately needs to alter its ending? #607 What U.S. state has the least attractive people? #606 What international city would you choose to move to? #605 What is the most inspiring movie you’ve ever seen? #604 How do you know when it’s time to unplug? #603 What modern convenience do you wish you could invent? #602 What advice would you give to your teenage self? #601 What is the craziest business idea you’ve come up with? #600 What variation of an existing sport would you like to see? #599 What sound do you miss the most? #598 How much would you pay to go to the moon? #597 What celebrity have you recently changed your opinion of? #596 What one liberty should be guaranteed to all? #595 What is your favorite cartoon? #594 What can you contribute to make society a better place? #593 Who most deserves an Honorary Award Oscar? #592 What could you do to positively change the world? #591 What is the world’s worst ranking system? #590 What is the most annoying telephone faux pas? #589 What’s the best argument for voting? #588 What is something many people frequently worry about, but you don’t? #587 What would you like to be “the best” at? #586 What is the most iconic garment? #585 What toy would you like to throw repeatedly against a brick wall? #584 What are you sick of hearing about? #583 What is your most common ailment? #582 Where is the best place to take a family vacation? #581 Where is the least peaceful place in the world? #580 Who would you like to put behind bars immediately? #579 What’s the best excuse you have ever heard? #578 What game are you great at? #577 What movie are you not looking forward to, but will begrudgingly watch anyway? #576 What drastic change would add excitement to a sport? #575 What rumor with devastating consequences could you start? #574 What seeming coincidence is anything but? #573 What do you not eat enough of? #572 What two words are “music to your ears”? #571 What word should be banned from general usage? #570 What advice would you give to criminals? #569 What is the most senseless thing someone could do? #568 If your house was on fire, what non-living thing would you save first? #567 What technology would you be better off without? #566 What is the greatest paradox? #565 What is the worst placed advertisement of all time? #564 What could you be really good at with just a bit more practice? #563 What is your least favorite holiday? #562 What is your strangest bodily habit? #561 What is the worst joke you’ve ever heard? #560 What is the most important part of any emergency preparedness plan? #559 How are you most creative? #558 What alternative career path interests you? #557 What is the strongest bond you have with an inanimate object? #556 What would you flaunt … if you had it? #555 What is your favorite TV or movie animal? #554 When do you do your best thinking? #553 What’s your go-to “Too soon?” example? #552 What is something not worth fighting over? #551 What’s your feeling on wordplay? #550 What do we need more of right now? #549 What could you never let go of, even for the sake of harmony? #548 What awards show would you like to attend? #547 What should never be done at a restaurant? #546 What scent reminds you most of a departed loved one? #545 What’s something everyone should know? #544 What is your favorite genre of music? #543 What book is at the top of your reading list? #542 What religious practice baffles you? #541 Who would you love to have living next door? #540 What would you do if you couldn’t afford rent? #539 Do you trust your instincts? #538 What is the best thing about being alone? #537 What is your biggest challenge? #536 Who is the most overrated musician ever? #535 Where would you not go back to for vacation? #534 What single change would most revolutionize sports? #533 What is something others do that amazes you? #532 What have you been putting off doing? #531 Who sure knows how to ruin a good time? #530 What would you be shocked to learn? #529 What would you sell at an auction and for what minimum price? #528 If you were a mad scientist, what would you concoct? #527 What question has likely never been asked while speed dating? #526 What is the worst of the “bad words”? #525 What are you holding a grudge about? #524 What’s your favorite Christmas movie? #523 How do you know if someone is exceptionally smart? #522 What 10 things do you know to be certain? #521 What would be a strange beauty secret? #520 What Hall of Fame induction ceremony (real or fictional) would you like to attend? #519 What is your biggest regret in the last week? #518 What is the most overused cliché? #517 What is the worst feature of the person nearest to you right now? #516 What bothers you more than it should? #515 Who has the worst name of any person you’ve met? #514 What would you like your famous last words to be? #513 Whose love life would you never want to know about? #512 What is the nicest thing you have ever bought somebody? #511 What would you change about modern society? #510 What is one thing women should never do? #509 What is something you would not want to witness? #508 What new trend would you like to start? #507 What historic event would you like to change? #506 Who would not look good in a dress? #505 What trophy would you not want to win? #504 What idiom should never be used? #503 What is the best part about staying at a hotel? #502 What have you never done until recently? #501 What one thing is unfortunately true? #500 What should never be allowed on an airplane? #499 What would you paint if given a canvas and watercolors? #498 What is your #1 advice for maintaining health and well-being? #497 Who’s in need of a “fashion emergency”? #496 What one person or thing best represents the 1970s? #495 What person or company would you like to sue, and for what reason? #494 What is the least intellectual show on television? #493 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “Q”? #492 What song reminds you most of a past relationship? #491 What is the biggest inconvenience about your current residence? #490 What TV show would you love to be a contestant on? #489 What do you look like when you dance? #488 What is life’s greatest mystery? #487 What is one thing you would never sell? #486 What sci-fi technology are you glad has never been invented? #485 Which TV sitcom family would you choose to be a member of? #484 What would a tough guy never do? #483 Where is a strange place to find beauty? #482 What is a terrible nickname? #481 What word should people never use to describe you? #480 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “P”? #479 What one thing would you like to pass down to future generations? #478 If you were a professional bowler, what would you engrave on your ball? #477 What book character played a major role in your childhood? #476 What irritates you the most in social situations? #475 Where would be a terrible place to find yourself tomorrow? #474 Who is one person you wish you never met? #473 What requires great skill and concentration? #472 What is the most useless talent you possess? #471 What would make your room much cooler? #470 What do you think President Biden has hidden in his past? #469 Where would you go if you won free plane tickets? #468 What celebrity did you wrongly think was attractive? #467 If you talked in your sleep, what would you say? #466 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “O”? #465 If you owned a professional sports team, what would you name it? #464 What is certainly not the “breakfast of champions”? #463 What is the most beautiful thing in the room you are in right now? #462 What reality TV competition (real or made-up) would you choose to be on? #461 Who would be the worst person to “go before you” in the bathroom? #460 What word best describes the game of baseball? #459 What subject do you consider yourself an authority on? #458 What has recently disappointed you? #457 What creature would scare you the most if you were scuba diving? #456 What great idea did you come up with, but never followed through on? #455 What is the worst occupation in the world? #454 What would you display on your desk to demonstrate you were an important CEO? #453 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “N”? #452 If you had to spend the rest of your life in one place, where would it be? #451 Where is a terrible place to fart? #450 What is the worst possible retirement investment? #449 What is the key to happiness? #448 If you were forced to donate your life savings to a single charity, which would you choose? #447 What form of communication do you wish would make a comeback? #446 What is your favorite sweet treat? #445 If there was a breaking news story involving you, what would have happened? #444 What is the best movie scene of all time? #443 What is your biggest pet peeve when driving? #442 If you were caught stalking someone, who would be your prey? #441 What is the most expensive thing you wish you never bought? #440 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “M”? #439 What sports team do you wish would never win another game? #438 What is the meanest thing you can tell somebody? #437 At the end of a Chinese meal, what would you like your fortune to be? #436 How did you earn your first dollar? #435 What two words describe your lifestyle? #434 What great podcast idea has not yet been done? #433 What have you tried in life, but are simply not good at? #432 If you could have anything located right next door, what would it be? #431 What would lessen a teacher’s credibility? #430 What is a strange thing to bring to a restaurant? #429 What two things would you want with you on a deserted island? #428 What tattoo would you like to get? #427 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “L”? #426 You must give up alcohol or coffee. Which do you choose? #425 What was your favorite book growing up? #424 What would you change about airlines to make flights more enjoyable? #423 If you had to do one trick at a kids’ party, which would you perform? #422 What do you think will be the next popular catch phrase? #421 What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? #420 Aside from a tent and sleeping bag, what is essential for any camping trip? #419 What bothers you most about your current occupation? #418 What would you love a remote control for? #417 What is the most difficult thing to do in sports? #416 What film have you surprisingly never seen? #415 What is not a good thing to be late for? #414 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “K”? #413 What is the strangest home remedy ever? #412 What one thing would you never eat for breakfast? #411 Which animal would you like to see become illegal to eat? #410 Where is the most romantic place to meet your true love? #409 If you could declare any one thing illegal, what would you choose? #408 Where is the safest place in the world? #407 Who is someone you’re definitely smarter than? #406 Who leads the happiest life in the world? #405 What one crime would you commit if you knew you wouldn’t get caught? #404 What is not something you can brag about? #403 What is the best thing about getting old? #402 What is your biggest frustration with the government? #401 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “J”? #400 What is one thing you refuse to share? #399 What is your favorite kind of cereal? #398 Who would you choose to be your conjoined twin? #397 What never works the way it’s supposed to? #396 What is guaranteed to make any party better? #395 Who is definitely not normal? #394 What person or thing best represents the 1950s? #393 What would be an odd request from a neighbor? #392 Which two celebrities look surprisingly similar? #391 What is the worst-named product ever? #390 What skill do you wish the person closest to you possessed? #389 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “I”? #388 What law would you enforce to make our world safer? #387 What movie was simply made to make you cry? #386 What would you like to inspect under a microscope? #385 What movie are you surprised everyone loved? #384 Given your current looks, what area of modeling are you best suited for? #383 What one person would you choose as your dinner guest? #382 What would seriously bring down the value of your house? #381 What is your New Year’s resolution? #380 What word do you associate with Wall Street? #379 What is one thing you are a natural at? #378 What manly trait are you proud of? #377 What one rule in life do you frequently disregard? #376 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “H”? #375 What is your favorite holiday tradition? #374 Who would you fight if you knew you would win? #373 What do you think Martians do for fun? #372 What do you consider “The Battle for the Ages”? #371 What trivial thing always gets in the way of a good relationship? #370 What one room would you add to your house? #369 What did you do when you were younger that you would never do now? #368 If every activity was an Olympic sport, in what event would you win the gold? #367 What have you not been able to figure out? #366 What is something you will always believe? #365 What is your favorite day of the week? #364 What would be a terrible name for a new perfume? #363 What is the worst thing you can do to “mess up your life”? #362 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “G”? #361 What is an inappropriate title for a children’s story? #360 What would you like to stuff your face with right now? #359 How would you describe your mood right now? #358 What word do you consistently misspell? #357 If you could own one business, what would it be? #356 What song makes you want to get up and sing? #355 What would complete your outfit right now? #354 What is way too dangerous to ever try? #353 What three words would comprise your slogan if you were running for mayor? #352 Where do you not mind waiting? #351 What long-winded movie, despite its greatness, will put you to sleep? #350 With what group of people have you never really associated? #349 What is the best costume you ever wore for Halloween? #348 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “F”? #347 What profession have you always admired? #346 Is pineapple a legit pizza topping? #345 What is the greatest “thing” in the world? #344 What sport should be in the Olympics? #343 What dirty word always makes you laugh? #342 What would have been a more productive way to spend yesterday? #341 In what situation would you feel completely unsafe? #340 If you could travel back to 1492, what advice would you give Columbus? #339 What is the best reason to go to college? #338 Where would you like to have a second home? #337 What one food item do you wish was healthy? #336 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “E”? #335 What is the most useful skill you have? #334 What would you bring to a dinner party? #333 What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told? #332 How can television news change for the better? #331 What creative title would you put on your personal business card? #330 What public figure would you like to see your daughter marry? #329 What do you consider the ultimate vacation? #328 What is a sure sign that someone thinks they are “too cool”? #327 If you were to write a book, what would it be about? #326 Where is the best place to have a summer internship? #325 What cause would you choose to be a spokesperson for? #324 What would be a strange phobia? #323 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “D”? #322 What current logo do you think will baffle people in 10 years? #321 What would you like delivered to your doorstep every morning? #320 What would a lavish bathroom contain? #319 Who would you choose to act as your personal alarm clock? #318 What is the best advice you have ever received? #317 What question have you struggled with lately? #316 What is your favorite thing about the beach? #315 What could never be considered “art”? #314 What gets easier the more you do it? #313 What manners do you always forget to use? #312 What excites certain people, but completely bores you? #311 What is the biggest indication that someone is a “nerd”? #310 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “C”? #309 What heroic act would you love to perform? #308 If you had to cover your bedroom with wallpaper displaying someone’s face, whose face would it be? #307 When is it a good time to scream? #306 What one question would you not want to answer? #305 What is NOT a good thing to bring into show-and-tell? #304 What job on the set of a movie are you best suited for? #303 What is one thing you are never shy about? #302 What is the most impressive thing you have ever built? #301 What famous person would you like to bring back from the grave? #300 What is the funniest thing you have ever seen or heard? #299 What situation makes you uncomfortable? #298 What movie star’s success can only be attributed to their looks? #297 What would you choose to declare illegal? #296 What do you waste your time doing? #295 What would it take for you to trust someone you just met? #294 How do you think you will die? #293 What is the funniest thing you can write in five words or less? #292 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “B”? #291 What two people would be completely useless in a roundtable discussion of politics? #290 What do you regard as the most repulsive form of music? #289 What is your favorite breed of dog? #288 If you had a sandwich named after you, what would be the main ingredients? #287 What is the worst movie you have ever seen? #286 What is something you would love to do every day of your life? #285 If you could have one animal with you on a deserted island, what would you choose? #284 What one thing do you wish you could change about the way you look? #283 What baby-like quality do you still possess? #282 What product do you see people using all the time, but has no use in your life? #281 What are you a self-proclaimed expert at? #280 If you wrote a smooth love song, what would you title it? #279 What is one embarrassing thing in your bathroom? #278 What do you consider hazardous to your health? #277 Where would you find a lot of smelly people? #276 What paid job doesn’t seem like real work? #275 What is your favorite uncommon word beginning with “A”? #274 What would you title a screenplay about the final hour of your life? #273 What commonly used product will be obsolete in 10 years? #272 Who is the most stunning woman in Hollywood today? #271 If you could claim authorship of one book, which would it be? #270 What is your favorite dish at an Italian restaurant? #269 What kind of exercise would you benefit from most? #268 Where is a good place to clear your thoughts? #267 What will be the next company to go out of business? #266 What person or thing best represents today’s culture? #265 What completely arbitrary conviction do you refuse to compromise on? #264 If you opened the freezer now, what would you love to find? #263 What is the most annoying show on television? #262 What is the biggest prize you’ve ever won? #261 What two adjectives describe you best? #260 What protest march might you be spotted at? #259 What is the worst feature someone can have? #258 What website will you probably never visit? #257 What one thing do you associate with cruise ships? #256 What would you not be shocked to learn? #255 What do you always find yourself complaining about? #254 What would make you question a woman’s femininity? #253 What would you do if you wanted to be a real “turn-off” on a first date? #252 What is not a good thing to have laying around your house? #251 What is the worst thing you can do to ‘mess up your life’? #250 What parental advice do you always give? #249 What did you not know you needed until you had it? #248 What do you enjoy doing for 10 minutes every day? #247 What one word would people use to describe your sense of humor? #246 What gets increasingly difficult with age? #245 What conversation topic do you try to avoid? #244 What would you hate to see charging at you in the middle of an open field? #243 What is one thing in your bathroom that you need to throw away? #242 What would you choose as your child’s profession? #241 What would you do to end the war in Ukraine? #240 Who is one person you unfortunately come across frequently? #239 What concept for a store have you surprisingly never encountered? #238 If you were a prescription drug, what would be your main side effect? #237 What could never be considered “bad”? #236 If you had a large bumper sticker on your car, what would it say? #235 What personal attack would you take great offense to? #234 What activity makes you happy? #233 What would make your mornings better? #232 What was your favorite childhood game? #231 What would your alias be if you were in a witness protection program? #230 If your child continued to get in trouble, what punishment would you employ? #229 What celebrity might most resemble an alien? #228 Why don’t some people get along with you? #227 What is the stupidest thing a public figure can do? #226 What is the #1 thing on your “To Do List”? #225 What will you be doing 10 years from today? #224 What group of people are you most offended by? #223 What issue deserves more attention? #222 Where would you want a carved statue of yourself displayed? #221 What is the most useless major in college? #220 What animal-like quality would you like to possess? #219 What is evidence there is something very wrong in this world? #218 What profession are you completely unqualified for? #217 What is one thing men should never do? #216 What is the last movie that made your eyes water? #215 What is much better hot than cold? #214 What is the most important thing ever done by one of your ancestors? #213 What is completely unfair? #212 What would you do if you really wanted to annoy someone? #211 Who could never play a convincing Santa Claus? #210 What job would you not want one of your parents to have? #209 What one thing do you wish was smaller? #208 What oceanic creature fascinates you? #207 What do you think will be the next major event in world history? #206 What one thing do you wish was bigger? #205 What is the last thing you purchased? #204 What do you consider the most dangerous creature on Earth? #203 What movie character defines the word “cool”? #202 What is the most useless piece of trivia? #201 What is the most revolutionary television show ever? #200 What is a good reason to fire someone? #199 When do you feel undue pressure the most? #198 Who would you hate to see naked? #197 What is your most gratifying moment? #196 What fantasy creature is the most believable to you? #195 If you could travel back in time, when would you choose? #194 What would totally overwhelm you? #193 What keeps you up at night? #192 What is the best present you’ve received in the past six months? #191 What word best describes your health? #190 Who would you want as your first guest if you were a talk show host? #189 If you were on a first date and went back to your date’s house, what would make you run out of the house screaming? #188 What is guaranteed to happen tomorrow? #187 What do you never want to forget? #186 What is too evil for words? #185 What would you say are the two biggest tourist attractions in New York City? #184 How should Sunday mornings be spent? #183 What does not require a lot of skill? #182 Who can only be described as “lovable”? #181 Which corporation would you like to be president of? #180 Given your body and overall health, what’s one thing you could never do? #179 When is a good occasion to be hard of hearing? #178 What is the answer to all of life’s secrets? #177 What is one risk you’re not willing to take? #176 What always amuses you? #175 What Jeopardy! category would you be great at? #174 What do people do too much of today? #173 What is your favorite part of the human body? #172 What is the best part about having children? #171 What is guaranteed to make you upset? #170 What should not be said to a large crowd of people? #169 When is it hard to keep your mouth shut? #168 What famous attraction (that you’ve been to) was the greatest disappointment? #167 If you did a search of your name, what website might pop up? #166 What is a strange thing to collect? #165 What life-altering change have you been meaning to do? #164 If you developed a new deodorant, what would you call it? #163 Where do you like to get your news from? #162 What store would you want to win a shopping spree to? #161 If you could buy one thing to complete your home, what would it be? #160 What is something you would not want to be responsible for? #159 If you started a secret society, what would you call it? #158 If you were any animal, what would you be? #157 What is your most annoying habit? #156 How do you know when you’re having a bad day? #155 What makes you want to vomit? #154 What meal never satisfies? #153 What are you meticulous about? #152 What useful thing did you recently learn? #151 What is evidence that you live in the greatest country in the world? #150 What is something your mother said that you will never forget? #149 What does rap music make you want to do? #148 What is your most useless talent? #147 What candy are you most likely to have in a bowl on your coffee table? #146 What luxury would you like to enjoy just once? #145 What is a sure sign that a job interview is going badly? #144 What would you like to give back to your community? #143 Who would you love to have living in your guest bedroom? #142 What is the most common compliment people give you? #141 As an image consultant, what advice would you give yourself? #140 If your butt could talk, what would it say? #139 What wealthy person is the least deserving of their fortune? #138 What could you do to earn $1 right now? #137 What slang word do you find most annoying? #136 What would you most like to “dis-invent”? #135 What would you not want crawling around your house? #134 Who has no right to judge you? #133 What is an example of you being a courteous person? #132 What aspect of the “good ol’ days” would you like to see make a comeback? #131 What should you never tie to the roof of your car? #130 What does your breath smell like? #129 What profession do you admire, but would never want to do? #128 If you wrote a horror story, how would the first victim die? #127 What important thing have you done that went unrecognized? #126 What is the most disturbing sound in the world? #125 What is the best reason to never leave your house? #124 How can you best get someone to notice you? #123 What movie character do you identify with most? #122 What would you do if nobody was watching? #121 What two food items, if combined, would make the most disgusting concoction ever? #120 What would make a peaceful person go insane? #119 What is something people search for but rarely find? #118 What favor should never be asked of someone? #117 What is one thing you’ve never done on the Internet? #116 If you ran a funeral home, what would be your company slogan? #115 What is a completely unnecessary activity? #114 If you found a $100 bill on the street and had to spend it immediately, what would you buy? #113 What part of the world doesn’t really interest you? #112 What two people would you want as around-the-world travel companions? #111 What TV or movie character freaks you out? #110 What is something you have never done with your parents? #109 What would you like to devote more time to? #108 What no longer holds your interest? #107 What movie would you want to see on television on a rainy Sunday afternoon at home? #106 What are you thinking about right now? #105 What would your personalized license plate say? #104 What lie would you like to tell right now? #103 What’s the best way to eat pancakes? #102 What one word best describes your bedroom? #101 What are your thoughts on the Cleveland Indians changing their name and mascot? #100 What is something you know more about than any of your friends? #099 What commercial do you find very annoying? #098 What is something you pretend to like? #097 What would you not want to carry for a long distance? #096 What should every parent teach their children? #095 Who is your favorite superhero? #094 What would be totally inappropriate at a funeral? #093 Which annual event (e.g. Running of the Bulls, Mardi Gras) would you love to attend? #092 What would you like to try again? #091 What would be a great tabloid headline? #090 What do you wish your doctor would tell you? #089 Whose face should be on the $1,000 bill? #088 What do you hope to see one day when you look in the mirror? #087 What two things make for a winning combination? #086 What could you eat ten of? #085 What is the #1 reason you would join the military? #084 What website do you frequently visit for a good laugh? #083 What three things would you hate to juggle? #082 What one thing would you begrudgingly give up to make love last? #081 Whose whereabouts would you like to know? #080 What thing, event or person drew your wild applause? #079 What would you title your autobiography? #078 What always makes you a more confident person? #077 If you could change your mind about one thing you did today, what would it be? #076 What is NOT the meaning of life? #075 What would you like to accomplish this year? #074 What should not be in your stomach? #073 What event/decision is proof that you’ve grown up? #072 What would be an unusual way to settle a feud? #071 What would be a scary FDA warning for a new food or drug? #070 What’s easier to get away with as a kid than as an adult? #069 Who is/was the most offensive person in the world? #068 What are two keys to any successful relationship? #067 What word or phrase do you use too often? #066 If you could have a beautiful portrait of any one person, who would you choose? #065 What is the most beautiful word you can think of? #064 What is the most dangerous occupation? #063 Where would you like to get lost? #062 What would you like to keep for the rest of your life? #061 What musical instrument have you always wanted to play? #060 What latest trend simply baffles you? #059 What seriously angers you? #058 What is your favorite thing about the zoo? #057 What movie is way too scary for children? #056 How do you like to relax? #055 If you started a book club, what would be the one and only rule? #054 Where is the worst place to use the bathroom? #053 What would be a very disturbing discovery? #052 What should be a pizza topping? #051 What should everyone get to try once in their life? #050 If you were to spray paint something in your neighborhood, what would it be? #049 What is the most despicable way to make a lot of money? #048 What word do you use most often to make yourself appear more intelligent? #047 What are you thankful you’re not doing right now? #046 What “finer thing in life” would you like to treat yourself to? #045 How can you tell someone is a snob? #044 What is the most disrespectful thing someone can do to another person? #043 What is the most interesting thing you could keep in your wallet? #042 What would be an original, physically painless form of torture? #041 What job could not be considered a “career choice”? #040 What insect disgusts you the most? #039 What do you hope you’ll never need? #038 What word best describes the outfit you’re wearing right now? #037 What could an elderly person do that you would consider very impressive? #036 What simple thing are you unable to do? #035 What is completely far-fetched? #034 What do you love to brag about? #033 What could you do all day long? #032 What is the best occasion to throw a party? #031 When is it essential to speak your mind? #030 What is the most disturbing costume you can imagine wearing? #029 What is the best way to motivate your kids? #028 Whom does the media wrongly criticize? #027 What is the one thing you can draw very well? #026 If you could choose a new middle name for yourself, what would it be? #025 What is something you wouldn’t be able to do, no matter how hard you tried? #024 How often should adult children call their parents? #023 What do you wish was not in your music collection? #022 What book should be banned based on its boring subject matter? #021 What commercial product would you refuse to endorse? #020 What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of a coffee shop? #019 What is not a good way to show appreciation for someone? #018 What should never be on someone’s bedroom sheets? #017 With the skills you have now, what’s the job you’re best suited for? #016 What is not as simple as it seems? #015 What is better soft than hard? #014 What is the biggest waste of time? #013 If you were on death row, what would you request for your last meal? #012 How will the world end? #011 What is the most disturbing sound in the world? #010 What word makes you cringe? #009 What one thing annoys you most at a restaurant? #008 What is something you have never been able to do? #007 What always takes longer than it should? #006 What would be a good new warning for a pack of cigarettes? #005 If you could declare any one thing illegal, what would you choose? #004 What are you embarrassed to admit right now? #003 Who is the most disrespected person in history? #002 What are you always looking for? #001 If you were to write an advice column, what would be the topic?
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