Q&complAints #522 : 10 Certainties

What 10 things do you know to be certain?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What 10 things do you know to be certain?

Who hasn’t said:  

“If I saw Mount Vesuvius erupting, I sure wouldn’t have met the same fate as Pliny the Elder.”   


“I could have survived the Donner Party’s cannibalistic trip out west.”     

Cody Cassidy’s book How to Survive History: How to Outrun a Tyrannosaurus, Escape Pompeii, Get Off the Titanic, and Survive the Rest of History’s Deadliest Catastrophes does exactly what the wordy-ass title says.  The end of the 23-word title is a lie, though. The book delves into only 15 deadly events.  I can rattle off another 15 catastrophes that happened in just the last century:  

  • COVID-19 
  • Hurricane Katrina 
  • 9/11 
  • 2023 Libya floods 
  • 2010 Port-au-Prince earthquake 
  • The Holocaust 

Enough!  Don’t want to outline the entirety of his next book.  The good news for the author is he’s unlikely to run out of topics for subsequent iterations of How to Survive History.  Going forward, let’s hope there are no new mass casualty events to add to the list.  But with wars aplenty and climate change a constant, I’m sure there will soon be 9 events Cody can add to the 6 above.  That book’s title will certainly surpass 50 words.


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