Q&complAints #549 : Let It Go

What could you never let go of, even for the sake of harmony?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What could you never let go of, even for the sake of harmony?

In the 3-hour epic Oppenheimer, J. Robert Oppenheimer demonstrates both ruthlessness and compassion.  He ruthlessly injects his professor’s apple with potassium cyanide, attempting to end his life.  In a moment of compassion, he returns to the lab to dispose of the apple before it can be eaten and negatively affect their lives.  Oppenheimer prevented the death of Niels Bohr, who convinced him to change his course of study to the field that would positively alter the trajectory of his life.  This juxtaposition of ruthlessness and compassion is paralleled in the bombs Oppenheimer was responsible for constructing.  The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ruthlessly ended the lives of an estimated 220,000 Japanese, mostly civilians.  U.S. government and military leaders justified these bombings as compassionate acts that saved many more lives than they ended.  Intel said the Japanese would never surrender, continuing to fight to the very last soldier.  U.S. history books emphasize the compassionate aspect of the bombings.  Some other nation’s history books surely highlight the ruthlessness of U.S. actions to end WWII.  I could never have let go of Fat Man or Little Boy for harmony’s sake. 

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