Q&complAints #625 : Animated Film

What is your favorite animated movie?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’ll even accept a drawing (don’t know how you would do that; but I’m not all that technologically savvy).
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is your favorite animated movie?

Family Guy is my favorite animated show, although I’m about 3-4 seasons behind.  I can’t really say I have a favorite animated movie, though.  But while we’re here, let’s reminisce about 2004’s The Polar Express.  I’m a bit confused as to why this movie was so popular.  Sure, the story is well told, has a positive message, and we get to see the lovable Tom Hanks in animated form.  While The Polar Express may have been on the cutting edge of digital technology at the turn of the century, the animation’s uncanny valley was eerie even back then.  Today it’s downright unsettling!  Unfortunately, the tech of the time fell into that liminal area between “pretty darn lifelike,” and “something’s not quite right here.”  For all the success the film has had, it’s never gotten a sequel.  But worry not (or do), The Polar Express 2 is in development.  If it gets released soon, the timing will be perfect for many parents to show the sequel to their children who are nearly the same age as they were when first seeing the original.  Hopefully Tom Hanks will reprise his role—he’s as lovable as ever.    

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