With the skills you have now, what’s the job you’re best suited for?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you’ve got the skills, might as well.
. . .here are my thoughts.
With the skills you have now, what’s the job you’re best suited for?
I been journaling for well over 5 years now. I’ve handwritten in excess of 3500 pages, to. I’ve also written an unpublished (some would say unpublishible) novel. That was even before I had wrote any of these Q&complAints that your reading right now. Between the novel and these I’d chosen to start my UrProbablyRight arguments. If you like these 200 word shorties, my 1,000 word, weekly arguments should be right in you’re wheelhouse. Check ‘em out! What I’m getting at is that I have a good deal of experience writing. I have a firm feel for the English language and now how to put a sentense together. I’ve had a good deal of practice. Sometimes when people tell me that they could never due this writing thing, I downplay how tough it really is, trying to increase there confidence. I tell them they already know all 27 letters, they just have to put them together in the right orders and they can be better at writing than I. Maybe I’ll take all me experience and become a editor.