Q&complAints #629 : Yesterday’s Events

What was your favorite thing that happened yesterday?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just because you didn’t yesterday, doesn’t mean you can’t today.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What was your favorite thing that happened yesterday?

There was a “Blood Moon” lunar eclipse on 3/14/25.  The partial eclipse began at 1:09am EDT, followed by a total eclipse from 2:26am until 3:31am.  I stared into the Columbus sky at each of those times.  While nowhere near the splendor of a solar eclipse, what the “Blood Moon” lacked in spectacle it made up for in duration.  During my final trek to the porch, waiting for the full eclipse to slink back into a partial, I spoke aloud into the relative darkness.  I spoke as one might when conversing aloud with the deity of their choose, first thanking the Columbus sky for choosing to contain no clouds on this special night.  I then confided in the Moon, voicing my appreciation for this reminder of its importance to our very existence here on Earth.  The texture of my voice, however, subtly implied the timing was a bit unreasonable.  I quickly glanced at my phone to see how close we were to 3:31.  The date stared back at me: 3/14/25.  I chose to believe our circular(ish) Moon was apologizing for being a decade late for the perfect Pi Day celebration.

Pi = 3.1415…

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