Where is the worst place to use the bathroom?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
Where is the worst place to use the bathroom?
The Columbus Crew are putting the finishing touches on a new soccer stadium set to open in a couple months. They’ll vacate what was the first soccer-specific stadium in the nation—at the time a huge deal. Compared to their new stadium, the old one is—technical term alert!—a piece of poo. RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. was cutting-edge when it opened in 1961. But today, nobody in their right mind would consider it safe to hold a sporting event there. With the introduction of the $1 billion Dallas Cowboy Stadium (AT&T Stadium) in 2009, every other stadium in the nation took a big hit to its ego. Someday in the future it, too, will lose the luster and excitement the $1 billion investment generated. A bigger, more technologically advanced stadium will be constructed by another multi-billionaire, embarrassing the Cowboys into hiding their faces behind the lowered brims of their Stetsons. It’s fine to be content with your successes in the short-term. Do not, however, rest on your laurels for too long. Learn the lesson from RFK Stadium’s demise—currently too dangerous to enter even to just take a piss.