What two things make for a winning combination?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But reading, then commenting . . . now that’s a winning combo!
. . .here are my thoughts.
What two things make for a winning combination?
I’m a big fan of poker. Any player worth his salt will tell you study sessions are an imperative part of improving your game. Bart Hanson was my initial go-to for fantastic, high-level content. I remember binging his instructional audio “podcasts” before podcasts were even a thing. My instructor of choice today is Jonathan Little. Within the prolific content he produces, he often remarks that making money at poker is really quite simple. All you need to do is 1) find a game you can beat, and 2) play it a lot. Those two things make a very profitable, winning combination. There are only two minor problems with this 2-part plan to accumulate untold riches: 1) finding a game you can beat, and 2) playing it a lot. Like many comments/ideas, it sounds simple—almost elementary—in theory. The execution, however, can prove anything but. It’s kinda like Michael Jordan, in his prime, attempting to coach his teammates by saying “Just do what I do.” Jordan enjoyed the luxury of skill, more often than not leading to a Bulls’ victory. In poker, however, the element of luck always plays a considerable factor.