When is it essential to speak your mind?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But what better time to speak your mind?
. . .here are my thoughts.
When is it essential to speak your mind?
February is “Black History Month”—granted it’s the shortest month. But an average of 28.25 days far exceeds the mere 24 hours of “International Women’s Day” every March 8th. If women only get a single day, a proposed “Old Rich White Dude Quarterly” would need whittled down to “ORWD Nanosecond.” The global “International Women’s Day” celebration began in 1911, but honestly, this year was the first I’d heard of it. The day’s meant to:
- celebrate women’s achievements
- raise awareness about women’s equality
- lobby for accelerated gender parity
- fundraise for female-focused charities
You probably agree this is a great celebration of women. It’s a shame, though, that people need a dedicated day to realize this. Want your species to persist? Than women are important . . . every day! Obviously, that’s infinitely underselling the importance of women, but the ability to reproduce is so instrumental and unique in the female bag-of-tricks that further reasoning for 365+ days per year of respect should not be necessary. You’d think it would have been essential for someone to speak this aspect of their mind in 1911 when “International Women’s Day” was proposed.