Q&complAints #202: Useless Trivia

What is the most useless piece of trivia?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the most useless piece of trivia?

Wilt Chamberlin holds the record for most points in an NBA game: 100.

This is a useless factoid because nearly every fan of U.S. sports knows it. But, I’m confident that relatively soon it will no longer be true. The big debate—among those wasting their time with such subjectivity—is who’s the best basketball player ever: Jordan or Lebron? Here’s what will elevate King James to objective GOAT status. In a meaningless, late-season game during The Akron Hammer’s final campaign, his team will refuse to play defense. They’ll let the opponents go down and dunk every time. If they don’t do so immediately, Hack-a-Shaq will commence. The idea is to allow The L-Train as many chances as possible to score. James will even conserve energy by declining to jog back on “defense.” With 100% of his team’s shot attempts, Lebron will crush Wilt’s century mark record. Then he’ll secretly convince the NBA commissioner to fine him $25 million, setting a precedent that ensures nobody will ever pull this trick again. The GOAT status of Lebron James will be forever cemented with his untouchable record of 212 points in an NBA game.