Q&complAints #115 : Unnecessary Activity

What is a completely unnecessary activity?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Franky, it’s completely unnecessary.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is a completely unnecessary activity?

We’ve all seen those rare one-way streets with angled parking spots on either side of the road that seem to be pointing in the wrong direction. Your confusion is relieved only upon reading one of the plethora of signs: “BACK-IN PARKING ONLY.” If you park there, you have no choice but to reverse into a spot. And remember those days of yore when we used to park in a garage for a concert or sporting event, knowing full well that a few hours later virtually every car in the garage would attempt to leave at the exact same time. These are two fantastic reasons to back into a parking spot. The only two reasons! End of list. Otherwise, it does nothing but annoy the drivers around you. Do people think they need to be ready for a quick getaway after purchasing their Gingerbread Eggnog Chai Latte? Or do they figure they’ll be too lethargic (read: intoxicated) to reverse out of their spot after 3 happy-hours of margaritas? If you absolutely must park facing out, try parking a bit farther away and pull through a double-empty space. You can probably use the extra steps, anyway.