What would it take for you to trust someone you just met?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You can trust that I’ll read it … and likely respond.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would it take for you to trust someone you just met?
Parents ingrain in their children the ol’ don’t-talk-to-strangers mantra. This includes the don’t-get-in-the-back-of-a-white-windowless-van concept. Exceptions to the “stranger” rule include folks in certain uniforms: blue outfit with badge and gun; reflective stripes with axe and helmet; long white coat over scrubs, orange vest with clipboard. You’re right—never trust someone carrying a clipboard! But should these exceptions be made? Laws mandate we obey anyone representing themselves as law enforcement. People have pretended to be cops, gaining trust they ultimately used to do harm to their law-abiding victims. If we can’t trust who we believe to be an officer of the law, how can we trust any stranger? If we can’t trust the men and women exiting the back of an ambulance to save our lives—rather than steal a kidney to sell on the black market—how can we trust anyone? Trust nobody implicitly if you don’t know them well. Even then, maintain a level of skepticism! I suppose, though, if I first met someone who was butt-ass naked in a public place, I’d have no choice but to trust them. What could they possibly have to hide?