What trophy would you not want to win?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! No trophies awarded for participation.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What trophy would you not want to win?
There are folks out there with some seriously good memories. Could you recall the names of 244 random people after only 15 minutes of study? How about memorizing the order of 48 randomly shuffled decks of playing cards in an hour? No … no you can’t. You forget where you put your car keys every damn day. These “memory athletes”—as they’re called—use several tricks to accomplish their amazing feats. One method they employ is the use of a Memory Palace. The idea is to create an imaginary realm in your mind’s eye, placing the info you want to remember throughout the space. When you need to recall the information, you retrace your steps. Sure, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but the gist is there. Imagine the size of the house needed to memorize 2,500 playing cards. The 1,788 rooms in the Sultan of Brunei’s 2.15 million square foot palace aren’t nearly large enough! You’d also need the 775 rooms of Buckingham Palace. I wouldn’t want to win a trophy for world’s best memory. What if I forgot which trophy room of which Memory Palace I stored it in? Embarrassing!