Q&complAints #198: Totally Nude

Who would you hate to see naked?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just don’t post a photo unless you’ve got your pants on!
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. . .here are my thoughts.

Who would you hate to see naked?

Penn Jillette has a saying: “There’s nobody I’d rather not see naked.” I’ve been listening to his twice weekly podcast, Penn’s Sunday School, for a handful of years, and I’ve heard him say something along those lines on numerous occasions. At first glance (pun intended!), it might seem like one of the stupidest comments ever uttered. Let’s be honest, do you really want to see Grandma naked? Probably not. But hate to see her naked? Hate’s an awfully strong word. Okay, okay, I got one! I’d hate to come home from work to see any of my wife’s ex-boyfriends (none of whom I’ve ever met) walking around naked in my kitchen. Hell, it doesn’t have to be a naked ex-boyfriend. It could be Ryan Gosling in a Speedo. If I hear him say, “Don’t mind me. Just grabbing some Gatorade to rehydrate before Round 2,” then, yeah, hate seems the proper terminology. Granted, that scenario would leave me pissed at the infidelity aspect, rather than the visual of some half-mast dude chugging my last 20-ounce Glacier Freeze. But I understand Penn’s point—there’s beauty in all naked bodies. Or humor. Lots of humor.