If you owned a professional sports team, what would you name it?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
If you owned a professional sports team, what would you name it?
The titular character in Ted Lasso marched his team into the London sewer system for a short team building exercise. Proving successful, AFC Richmond finished second in the league. If a few minutes together in the smelly, damp underground can do that much good, imagine the successes the Thai youth soccer team in the film Thirteen Lives could have achieved after 18 days in a cave. No need for practice; just ride that mojo to club titles for the next decade. There was one player who promised his parents he’d do some chores immediately after practice, thus didn’t venture into the cave with the rest of his teammates. Frankly, none of them should have been caving during the World Cup. Their asses should have been parked in front of a television, learning from the best footballers in the world. Not sharing in his compatriot’s trauma, the young lad likely never played another game with the intensely bonded team. Probably for the best. While in the cave, all 12 players (and their coach!) got big into Xanax and ketamine. The team would henceforth be known as the Ketamine Kavers.