What is the stupidest thing a public figure can do?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you have a thought, it’d be stupid not to write it.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the stupidest thing a public figure can do?
We can’t exactly put a limit on the stupidest thing a public figure can do. Just when you think you’ve imagined the perfect, irreproachable answer, a high-ranking public figure comes along and incites violence upon the very people he works with. (That seems vague enough.) The Trial of the Chicago 7—a 2021 Best Picture Oscar nominee—focused on the 1969 trial of seven people in Chicago (hopefully you already figured that out, though) after protests at the Democratic National Convention. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend a watch. You may even see a few correlations between the events of this film, and a relatively recent event in American history. Each involved protests surrounding a presidential election. Audio and video evidence exists of police and/or protestor violence at both. Each highlights an absurd abuse—albeit, of opposite extremes—of the criminal justice system. The Trial of the Chicago 7 was released 52 years after the events it portrayed. So, by my math, be on the lookout sometime around 2073 for a movie about the Jan. 6 insurrection. It will undoubtedly be titled: