Q&complAints #516 : That’s Bothersome

What bothers you more than it should?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Won’t bother me [sniffle] at [sniffle] all.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What bothers you more than it should?

Let me state this right from the jump—A Man Called Otto is a great film.  A great book, too, according to my wife. We can all relate in some way to a character who calls nearly everyone he begrudgingly interacts with an “idiot,” directly to their face.  Aside from vicariously telling everyone exactly what you think of them through the lips of Tom Hanks—one of the greatest actors of all time—A Man Called Otto tells an emotional story.  I did have one minor issue with the casting, though. The actor they found to portray the young iteration of Tom Hanks’ character didn’t believably look like what I thought a young Hanks would.  That really bothers me! Fast-forward to the end credits, where I read the name Truman Hanks.  I figured it would be too much of a coincidence—this had to be Tom’s son.  But what role did he play?  After all, I saw no one who even remotely resembles Tom.  Oh, you see where this is going, do you?  Well, aren’t you a little smarty-pants.  I guess Tom, Truman, and you would all be justified labeling me the idiot

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