What is the worst-named product ever?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the worst-named product ever?
Everything’s on backorder! At least that’s the way it feels in the pharmacy world lately. If it’s not liquid amoxicillin, it’s children’s acetaminophen. Don’t expect Trulicity or Ozempic. If we can’t get one strength of generic Adderall, it’s two others that aren’t unavailable. We’ve only recently come out of a period where bowel prep kits were nearly impossible to get. One manufacturer becomes unavailable, so doctors prescribe a different one. Then that one can’t keep up with demand, so on to the next option. You see where this is going—suddenly nothing’s available. “No shit?” you ask. Exactly! No shit. At least not the explosive, don’t-stray-more-than-10-feet-from-a-toilet-or-you’ll-need-to-add-laundry-to-your-to-do-list shit. One poorly named bowel prep kit is GoLYTELY. More like GoHEAVILY, amiright?! A bowel prep kit is high on the list of products a customer is willing to forego for multiple months. Any excuse is a good one not to have to visit what are statistically the least attractive physicians of all the medical specialties: gastroenterologists. And GI doctors know this; they don’t even want you looking at them. What other reason could there be for you having to face away from them during your entire colonoscopy?