Who is the most stunning woman in Hollywood today?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m stunned as to why you wouldn’t, though.

. . .here are my thoughts.
Who is the most stunning woman in Hollywood today?
There’s a concept known as the Halo Effect. It’s a cognitive bias where positive impressions of people in one area of their lives positively influence our feelings in another area. With regards to women in Hollywood, this effect could classify an extremely talented actress as being more physically attractive to us than she otherwise would be. More likely, though, the cause and effect would work in the other direction: a sexy actress would be judged as better at her craft than she truly is. Thus, in trying to award the completely subjective—and arguably despicable—moniker of “Most Stunning Woman in Hollywood,” I’m forced to judge on a sliding scale in order to negate the Halo Effect. Smokeshows like Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson are kicked down a peg because they really are elite actresses. Megan Fox climbs the list since I don’t believe she’s all that talented of an actress. I’ll split the difference, though, and nominate Kaley Cuoco. Her role on The Big Bang Theory highlighted her low-cut tops more than her acting chops in its early seasons. Since then, Kaley’s acting credentials have equaled her stunning physical attributes.