Q&complAints #050 : Spray Paint Something

If you were to spray paint something in your neighborhood, what would it be?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But writing something would be quite neighborly of you.
questions answers signage

. . .here are my thoughts.

If you were to spray paint something in your neighborhood, what would it be?

There’s a classic thought experiment in ethics and psychology known as the Trolley Problem. It involves an unstoppable train headed right for a group of 4 people who—for reasons unknown—cannot move off the tracks. They will all surely die. Unless, that is, you flip the switch to send the train onto a track which will kill only a single person. (Regardless of the outcome, whoever lives better be ticketed for trespassing!) There are countless variations and add-ons to the Trolley Problem. Some variants don’t even involve a train. You could imagine a police officer, gun drawn, witnessing a knife-wielding attack on an unarmed individual. Do you stand idly by, letting the situation evolve as it will? Or do you squeeze off rounds, sparing one life in lieu of another? No time to think. Time only to act . . . or to not act. Choosing to pull that trigger will make you a killer in the eyes of some. A savior in the eyes of others. Perhaps the following words should be spray painted at the corner of Legion Lane and Templar Street: