Rx #0000051 : Special Request—Immunization Edition


Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients
Ever heard of Dick’s Last Resort? Never been to the restaurant myself, but I love the concept. It’s like the court jester in medieval times being able to tell the King the harsh truth since everything he said was in—you guessed it—jest. Why has no pharmacy taken up this business practice? If patients expect harsh but fair truth from the pharmacy team, they’ll accept it readily.
Welcome to URxProbablyRxight. The pharmacy of the future where we provide “Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients.”

Special Request—Immunization Edition

[Tech]: “Got a Shingrix shot here, Marianne. They specifically requested you.”
[Rph]: “Why me? What’s wrong with Roger?”
[Rph 2]: “Yeah, why not me? I’m feeling a bit insulted over here.”
[Rph]: “Is it a woman wearing a hijab? Sometimes they prefer, or require, a woman.”
[Tech]: “Nope.”
[Rph]: “So it’s an old lady wearing a tight, long-sleeved shirt she’ll need to take off? They never wear bras, you know.”
[Tech]: “Okay—good to know. But, no, it’s a guy. He said you gave him the—I think his exact wording was—‘The best damn shot I ever got. She poked it right on in there. Didn’t hurt a lick.’
[Rph]: “Whatever. Get me a 21-gauge needle from the back, will you Fred. We’ll make sure he never asks for me again.”
[Tech]: “Stick it right on in there and wiggle it back and forth a few times. Really give ‘em something to remember you by.”
[Rph]: “Yeah, that’ll teach him!”
[Rph 2]: “What the hell’s wrong with you two?! You should appreciate him showing you so much respect, Marianne. That guy probably had a really bad experience in the past. Probably hated and feared shots until you came along and showed him there’s nothing to be so worried about.”
[Rph]: “Someone sounds jelly.”
[Rph 2]: “I’m not jealous! I’m very confident in my technique, thank you very much.”
[Tech]: “Wow! I’m kinda jealous you know what jelly means.”

. . . [As an employee at URxProbablyRxight, how do you feel when someone specifically requests you for a task?]