What is evidence there is something very wrong in this world?
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. . . here are my thoughts.
What is evidence there is something very wrong in this world?
Nomadland won the 2021 Best Picture Oscar. How!? What’s more mind-boggling is that Frances McDormand took home Best Actress. These facts are solid evidence that something was—and remains—seriously wrong with the world. To me, the reason McDormand backed into an Oscar for this performance is obvious—a lack of competition due to the pandemic! Granted, all I know about Frances McDormand comes from her memorable acceptance speeches. From those peeks into her—presumably—true self, I saw little in this performance that didn’t mirror her cantankerous persona. She was born to play the lead role of Fern in Nomadland. Fern parallels Frances so much that she could be accused of “acting” only by the strictest definition of the word. You know . . . like floating naked down a lazy river with bush and breasts on full display. Does this grant her performance more or less credibility? I was amazed, though, at the acting chops of the three real-life Nomads playing important roles in the film: Linda May, Swankie, and Bob Wells. None were trained “actors,” yet played the slightly fictionalized roles of themselves to convincing effect.