What does your breath smell like?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I can smell greatness as you prepare your voice-to-text comment.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What does your breath smell like?
Today is National Clean-Up Day. What better time to discuss breath? I visited the dentist a few weeks ago, and am again a member of their “No Cavities Club”! The dental hygienist schedules my next visit while I’m right there in the chair. Every time—without fail—they write the time, month, and day. But never the year!
This would be fine if people kept only their most recent reminder card secured to their corkboard or fridge. But still, is writing a comma and two more numbers too much to ask? I was at a family get-together recently and explored the outside of the kitchen fridge (after grabbing what I desired from within, of course). I discovered a plethora of magnets spread across the freezer door, holding no fewer than a dozen of these cards. Only one of them had a year written on it. Some were duplicates from the same office; I assumed they just hadn’t been discarded after previous appointments. The homeowners probably knew the location of the most recent appointment cards, but what happens when a nosey visitor maliciously swaps their positions? Smells like confusion . . . and lemon cake.