What is one thing you refuse to share?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is one thing you refuse to share?
There have been lots of graphic war films released over the last couple decades. The realism and gruesomeness of the portrayed violence increases every year. Viewers can safely experience the terrors and atrocities of war while on the couch in the warmth of their favorite footie pajamas. It’s a shame leaders of countries are too busy playing ice hockey and riding shirtless on horseback to watch these movies. Maybe they’d be deterred by seeing the horror awaiting their citizens. All Quiet on the Western Front is this season’s epic war film. The German language film had a reported budget of only $20 million. We pay that for a lead actor in the U.S.! Germans know how to spend money wisely. That frugality was evident even during World War I. Uniforms were stripped from bodies after death on the field of slaughter battle; the blood-soaked bundles were transported via train to where they could be thoroughly washed; women sewed patches over bullet and puncture wounds; the uniforms then reissued to the next crop of propagandized young men. Strip, clean, sew, repeat. Sorry, but I refuse to share a bullet-riddled, previously blood-soaked death garment.