Where would you find a lot of smelly people?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
Where would you find a lot of smelly people?
In my goal to watch every Oscar Best Picture nominee since 2010, I viewed Selma. I’m embarrassed I didn’t see it earlier, as it was a very moving film. The march from Selma to Montgomery was estimated to be 50 miles. There were probably places set up along the route where people could shower or wash up. But undoubtedly there were some among the 25,000 that trekked the 5 days without so much as rolling on some deodorant, or running a toothbrush across their teeth. Alabama is a hot, muggy place. And those people were wearing 1960s clothes that weren’t exactly blessed with the breathable, sweat-wicking fabrics of today. Anywhere along those final, say, 49.75 miles between Selma and Montgomery had to have a whole lot of smelly people! While clothing options have gotten better, the weather in Alabama remains just as unforgiving—if not moreso. And those shoes of yesteryear—designed more for a morning in church, than a long march for voting equality. I generally only vote during presidential elections, but watching this film made me contemplate casting my ballot at every opportunity. Contemplate—but likely not act upon.