What would be a scary FDA warning for a new food or drug?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But let this be a warning to you . . .
. . .here are my thoughts.
What would be a scary FDA warning for a new food or drug?
What the hell does that mean?! Why can I only have one? What happens if I have a second? Maybe it’s like the Everlasting Gobstopper of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fame: “Everybody has had one and one is enough for anybody.” I can have a second if I wanted to, but it’d just be pointless. Or would a second one lead to an issue of toxicity? It’s probably just a manufacturing issue. They don’t want it to go on backorder when everyone suddenly decides to start hoarding. What if just one pill permanently and irreversibly fixes the issue it’s taken for? There’d never be the need for a second dose. A miracle food, maybe, that once consumed, will indefinitely supply you with the nutrients needed to survive from that day to your last. A miracle breakthrough in food tech that ends hunger once and for all. It surely couldn’t be an omen, warning that anyone stupid enough to ingest one will not live long enough to get a second past their lips. Could it?