What is one risk you’re not willing to take?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is one risk you’re not willing to take?
The movie Black Widow came out in 2021. This, of course, being after she died in Avenger’s: Endgame. I’m not a die-hard who watches all Marvel movies, or can keep track of the progression of each of the superhero’s storylines. But this film quickly made it apparent this was a prequel—she hadn’t miraculously come back to life. By movie’s end, the world is inevitably saved . . . again. After five minutes of credits, Marvel’s standard post-credit scene begins. These snippets hint at a future movie only the biggest fans will remember by the time the referenced film is released 4 years later. Lists on the Internet state the chronological viewing order of all the Marvel Cinematic Universe films—a marathon that’d take about 50 hours to watch. I don’t think I’d ever do this, though. Even if Marvel claimed they were 100%, absolutely, positively, cross-their-hearts-hope-to-die done making new films in the Universe, they could easily change their money-grubbing minds. Another Hawkeye or Ant-Man prequel and my next long weekend would be ruined, forced to start the 50-hour 52-hour (!!) venture over again. A risk I’m not willing to take!