What is the biggest inconvenience about your current residence?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the biggest inconvenience about your current residence?
My house has high ceilings. So high, I can’t reach the living room’s peak even with my tallest ladder … even if I weren’t scared to try. I can only guess at the height because I have no reasonable method of measuring it, and I don’t have the blueprints. Let’s call it between 1.5 and 2 basketball hoops tall. My father put it simply when first setting foot in the cathedral: “Gonna cost a lot to heat this in the winter.” The worst thing about the untouchable ceilings, though, is looking up, squinting, and seeing a small dark mark. Is that a spider? That’s a spider! And it’s right above my seat on the couch. There’s obviously no way I can kill it. Do I move to another seat, conceding temporarily to the trespassing arachnid? Or do I stay put, glancing skyward every 30 seconds? Will it drop down on me like an adventurer rappelling down the shaft of a vertical cave? Worse yet, what if I look up and it’s gone? Where the hell is it now? Wispy cobwebs remain—the mark of ownership over vast heights. What an inconvenience!