What useful thing did you recently learn?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I’d love to learn along with you.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What useful thing did you recently learn?
Two words give me trouble here: “useful” and “recently.” I’ve decided to play fast and loose with the definition of “useful.” And “recently” will encompass the past year. Semantics out of the way—let’s discuss hyperlinks. Whenever you see a word or phrase that appears in a purplish-bluish color, it’s a hyperlink. Click on it and you instantly scurry like an overexcited (hyper-) spider to another thread in the electronic web (-link). That’s not the exact derivation of “hyperlink,” but close enough. They’re quite simple to set up, but I still had to learn how and when to use them to proper effect. Occasionally I’ll use them to add a bit of info regarding an obscure or possibly misinterpreted reference. And, of course, I link to definitions of fancy words that may not be in everyone’s wheelhouse. Never stop learning! But mostly I use them to link to my previous, relevant(ish) posts. However, they can get a bit annoying when overused. Who wants to see half the page in some color that can’t decide if it’s blue, or purple, or some alternative color orientation. Regardless, I’m confident I’ve used them the perfect amount.