What is not a good thing to have laying around your house?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’ll give you something to do while you lounge around the house.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is not a good thing to have laying around your house?
I believe they used my favorite “Yo Mama” joke on an episode of Family Guy.
“Yo Moma’s so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house.”
To answer this question, I’m going to use this joke’s interpretation of “around the house.” It’d be interesting to have a moat around my residence, but we’d have to update the question from “house” to “castle.” But there’s the potential for water damage around my castle’s base, necessitating constant cleaning and maintenance. All the drawbacks of living on a houseboat, without the convenience of not having to pack up all your shit just to move a few miles down the coast. I also wouldn’t want a quagmire around my house. Or a quag. Or a mire. Oddly enough, all three mean the exact same thing:
“swampy ground whose surface yields under foot”
Thus, quagmire is redundant. This “swampy ground” meaning should be completely eliminated from English, leaving only the definition:
“situation from which extrication is very difficult”
Better yet, predicament can carry that load [Giggity]. I call for Quagmire to be redefined solely as:
“Glenn, from Family Guy.”