What event/decision is proof that you’ve grown up?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But come on, pull up your “big-boy” pants and make the comment!
. . .here are my thoughts.
What event/decision is proof that you’ve grown up?
When you’re young, you are the most important thing in the world. Ask a youngster what the most important thing to occur on the day they were born was. There could be only one logical answer: “Me!” Eventually you grow up and wonder what the true answer to that question is. For most people the answer will include a bit of subjectivity. However, objectivity rules the day for those born on December 7, 1941 or September 11, 2001. Being born on April 11, 1980, my limited choices include:
- The American Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulates sexual harassment
- Paul McCartney releases “Coming Up”
- Mark Teixeira’s birth
Every so often you need to Google your birthday to see if anything occurred to change that ranking. Don’t expect someone to figure out time travel into the past and alter history. But someone born on your birthday may have recently done something of such considerable note that their birth becomes the day’s most important occurrence. Doug Emhoff may argue that becoming the first “Second Husband” qualifies him as the objective answer for October 13, 1964. You have to admit, he’s in the running.