What skill do you wish the person closest to you possessed?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Caring is not exactly a skill I possess anyhow.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What skill do you wish the person closest to you possessed?
CPR is poorly preformed in movies and on TV. Understandable—you can’t exactly compress a living, breathing, heart-still-pumping actor’s chest 2 inches without cracking a few ribs … or worse. Tom Cruise wouldn’t even be stupid enough to perform this stunt himself! They could use a little cinema magic, swapping in an ultra-lifelike Resuscitation Annie manikin to do legit chest compressions on. But let’s be honest, real-world CPR is a violent sight people don’t want to witness. After numerous takes to get every camera angle perfect, you’d be left with one extremely worn-out actor from all that pushing. Of all the unrealistic CPR scenes I’ve witnessed, the one in the movie Infinite takes the cake. A petite actress attempts CPR on the muscular Mark Wahlberg. She compresses too shallow, too slow, and for less than a 30-compression cycle before deciding he was a goner. The worst part, though, is Wahlberg was on an elevated surface. Her arms were basically parallel to his chest, making proper compressions impossible. Since my wife is almost always the nearest person to me, it may someday be beneficial to me if she learned CPR.