What word or phrase do you use too often?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It feels like I’ve said that before.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What word or phrase do you use too often?
“You talkin’ to me?”
A mantra I too often say to my wife. Partially because I often have my Bose headphones on, listening to podcasts. Partially because she and I both talk to our puppies incessantly. Obviously we then have to respond in the voice we attribute to the respective dog, what we imagine they’d say if they were able. And let’s not forget the third main reason—Phoebe will often audibly vocalize what she’s reading. Sometimes she actually wants me to hear it, but far too often that is not the case. She just randomly reads aloud. Either way, she doesn’t vocalize every word. I’ll hear a handful of words clearly before the next few decrease to a muffled susurration, ultimately giving way to a moment of silence. Much as a sine wave cycles indefinitely, her muffled voice soon returns, steadily melding into a coherent few words. Rinse and repeat until I remove a pad from one ear to once again ask my commonly spouted phrase. Maybe I’ll soon hear Phoebe reading aloud a few random words of this very post. To which I’ll undoubtedly ask, “You talkin’ to me?”