What personal attack would you take great offense to?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I knew you were nothing but a big big scaredy-cat!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What personal attack would you take great offense to?
I scrub my face in the shower, fingers extended vertically on either side of my nose. A sudden noise—shampoo bottle falling, perhaps. Hands keep moving as my head reflexively raises slightly. Pinkies straight up my nostrils, reaching for brain. Pain like I’ve never felt. As I regain my faculties, I step on the downed bottle, hitting my head on the spigot as I fall. I feel a lump already developing, and search for blood. Water from the shower and my tear ducts clouds my vision, leaving me uncertain. Flipping onto my knees and elbows, I focus my eyes enough to see blood streaming toward the drain. From the back of my head, my nose, or both, I do not know. I turn off the water. My vision’s still mostly obstructed—my balance unsteady. Reaching for the counter, I grasp a hair straightener still at the ready from its use hours ago. Shooting pain in my singed hand throws me off balance again, slipping on water and blood. Backward I go. Corkscrewing as I fall. Head down in the toilet, unconscious, drowning. I take great personal offense to death-inducing pinky attacks.