Q&complAints #210: Parent’s Job

What job would you not want one of your parents to have?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Make sure to ask your Mom’s permission first.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What job would you not want one of your parents to have?

Hopefully you can agree with me that meteorologists are no longer needed. At least not as TV personalities. Computers do all the work. And the perfect algorithm is impossible to write because any little deviation can drastically change the weather. The barometer drops a tenth of an atmosphere more than forecasted, and tomorrow’s sunshiny day can become a thunderstorm. That change completely throws off the extended forecast, and the computer must start fresh with new initial criteria. Plus, we have the Internet, so who really needs a TV meteorologist? Frankly, we never really needed someone to stand in front of a green screen and explain what could maybe transpire. Just put the info on the screen. The only time I see a human doing the weather these days is on YouTube outtake clips—often involving the disembodied combination of green clothing and green screen. Or of women in sexy, non-green clothes. Even though she’s not much for revealing clothing, I wouldn’t want Mom to be the butt of internet memes. Anyway, I don’t think she’d unretire only to be forcibly re-retired from the dying profession of TV meteorologist.

Happy National Weatherperson’s Day