What will be the next company to go out of business?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you don’t, I might go out of business myself.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What will be the next company to go out of business?
Any company that goes public is embolden to its shareholders to earn money. Revenue generation is the #1 goal. It’s not good enough to do as well as you did last year—you need to constantly do better. Even the most successful company will eventually run into a problem: no room for expansion. There are only so many potential customers on planet Earth. Only so many widgets they’ll purchase. Thus, the moment a company goes public is the moment it signs its death warrant. A word that evokes reverse meanings, depending on the context, is known as a contronym, or Janus word. Founder is an example:
- (noun): person who establishes a company
- (verb): to fail
A company’s founder can take their corporation public, making untold riches in the process. Enevitably, though, that company will founder, losing investor’s money. However, the founder of the foundered company will likely remain ungodly rich. I may not be able to prognosticate the next company to go out of business. But you can bet your bottom dollar that the next company to offer an IPO will eventually be nothing but a memory.