What would be an odd request from a neighbor?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What would be an odd request from a neighbor?
An author who sells 10,000 books through a major publisher is doing quite well. With over 125,000 libraries in the United States, only 8% need to buy a single copy to sell 10,000 units. Easier said than done. In Sean Carroll’s The Biggest Ideas in the Universe: Space, Time, and Motion, he states another two books are forthcoming in the series, noting this trilogy format worked well for The Lord of the Rings. Bold comparison! Gandalf never painstakingly detailed the calculus necessary to understand quantum physics. Although, many people would argue calculus and LotR both reside in the fantasy genre. It becomes considerably easier to sell subsequent books after an initial successful foray. For Carroll’s financial sake, I hope he’s already signed his 3-book contract, because sales of later editions are likely to decrease substantially. Die-hard fans will purchase books 2 and 3, however casual readers may be deterred by the complex math. By my calculus, only 4% of libraries will preorder his second and third books after reading lackluster reviews of this one. Carroll could be faced with an odd predicament: requesting a rich neighbor purchase 5,000 copies … twice.