Q&complAints #208: Oceanic Creatures

What oceanic creature fascinates you?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I won’t be salty, or turn on the waterworks if you don’t.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What oceanic creature fascinates you?

Starfish have the amazing ability to regenerate lost body parts. They can even regrow parts if as much as half their body is missing. That means, if they were lonely, all they’d really have to do is find a way to chop themselves in half and eventually, violà, a companion. But which one would be the original and which the copy? A new take on the Ship of Theseus thought experiment. But you’d think that act of cutting yourself in half would be painful, right? Makes me ponder pain and death. Would you rather die an instant, “painless” death where you don’t have time to realize your impending mortality; or have an intensely painful, but prolonged illness with the luxury of time to—as the saying goes—get your house in order? The worst scenario would undoubtedly be somewhere between the two extremes. Trapped, in severe pain, for multiple hours or days following a disaster situation, realizing there’s little chance of ever hearing another human voice. Come on, Brad, focus! I’m supposed to be writing about the fascinating Starfish. They can miraculously regenerate half their body! I can’t even initially generate a non-rambling blog post.