What commonly used product will be obsolete in 10 years?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What commonly used product will be obsolete in 10 years?
I borrowed a Blu-ray of the 2014 Oscar Best Picture nominee, Philomena, from the library. I dislike viewing movies and TV shows older than about 5 years, mostly because of the rapid technological advances that I—just as rapidly—come to require for a quality viewing experience. This film gave me further reasons to solidify my 5-year statute. The movie opened with recognition of numerous studios, production companies, etc. Among the nods were three, screen-sized words that certainly don’t hold up well today: “The Weinstein Company.” Not the greatest of starts! Philomena later talks about believing her son was gay because he was a sensitive child. She, however, “knew” he was gay because of an outfit the 3-year-old wore in a photo. I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works. Then again, Philomena’s homeland of Ireland was the first country to legalize gay marriage just 1.5 years after the film’s release. Maybe the Irish know something I don’t. Nobody, Irish or otherwise, knew enough to recommend that I stream Philomena on Netflix rather than go to the library to borrow a Blu-ray that will certainly be obsolete in 10 years.