What would you say are the two biggest tourist attractions in New York City?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you say are the two biggest tourist attractions in New York City?
I’ve never been to NYC. I’m vaguely aware of pop culture, though, so I know a bit about the Big Apple. I’ll assume the Statue of Liberty would be near the top of most lists. After that, there’s a plethora of contenders. Rather than look up statistics, here are the two attractions I’d most like to visit: the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and Studio 8H at 30 Rockefeller Plaza. September 11 was a huge day in relatively recent American history, so the memorial and museum seem like a shoe-in for my list. After somber hours spent at the former site of the towers, attending a Saturday Night Live (SNL) performance at the famous 30 Rock would be an amazing pick-me-up. I think I’ve seen every episode of SNL for at least the last decade. While there’s the occasional stinker, most are pretty good. The recent December 11 episode featured Billie Eilish as both host and musical guest. I was unfamiliar with her, sans what I’d heard through the pop culture grapevine. None of which mentioned her looking like an amalgamation of Zooey Deschanel and Scarlett Johansson.