What is NOT the meaning of life?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is NOT the meaning of life?
I recently finished reading Brian Greene’s Until the End of Time. I had no preconception that Dr. Greene would actually enlighten me with the meaning of life. But he did provide a clue to what the meaning of life was NOT. The generalities of a quick story he told involve a teenager learning that the Universe would essentially end some unfathomably distant time in the future. Thus, she wasn’t going to bother learning algebra. After all, if the very concept of thought would eventually be impossible, in the end nothing anyone had ever done will have mattered. The young lady was just using the end of time as a sensational excuse to escape math homework, but it did get me thinking. Imagine you knew with certainty the entire planet would be destroyed on April 13, 2029. When would you borrow that young lady’s thought process? Immediately? A year from that date? A week? Never? The transition from planning for the future, to planning for end of life is undertaken by many people near the conclusion of their short, human life spans. But preparing for the end is certainly NOT the meaning of life.