What could never be considered “art”?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It doesn’t have to be a perfect, artful masterpiece; a sentence fragment will suffice.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What could never be considered “art”?
What is art? There lies the real question. Anything can be considered art because of its complete subjectivity. Fine art like the Mona Lisa or The Persistence of Memory venture more toward the objective realm, but fail to cross that unattainable line where everyone agrees that what they’re seeing is worthy of being called art. Works of art are difficult to categorize at any given time in history, and even more so throughout decades or centuries. If we can’t agree on what is art, can we agree on what is not art? Surely we can all agree that Jackson Pollock’s action paintings are not art! The term action painting is a new one for me, but makes perfect sense if you’ve ever seen one: sweeping brushstrokes, randomly dripped and spilled paint, and any other random thing a 2-year-old could do. Bonus points for including a handprint on the canvas. And that’s just so the authorities can match your fingerprints and toss you in jail for vandalizing an otherwise perfectly good canvas. Sorry Jackson, but I’d be more apt to designate a fire extinguisher hanging on a wall as art, than I would your creations.