Q&complAints #294: How You’ll Die

How do you think you will die?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Do it now, though … ’cause you never know.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

How do you think you will die?

Watching No Time to Die—Daniel Craig’s final Bond film—one can’t help but ponder how they’ll die.  Will your time come in a noble fashion: sacrificing your life to save countless millions of other lives?  Or perhaps more of an Elvis fashion: on the john while devouring a bacon, banana and peanut butter sandwich.  I hope it’s closer to the former, but it’ll undoubtedly be nearer to the latter.  The $250 million film was scheduled to come out a couple years ago, but was delayed by the pandemic.  No way was the studio going to release the movie straight to a streaming platform or video after investing enough cash to purchase every Bond gadget ever designed!  Which brings up another polarizing, would-you-rather death scenario: sudden and unexpected (e.g., automobile accident) or drawn-out and inevitable (e.g., terminal cancer diagnosis).  007’s demise straddled the line with a sudden, yet inevitable death.  Watching the missiles you ordered, strike the very location you’re standing … seems about the definition of sudden, yet inevitable.  I’ll take a drawn-out and unexpected death.  Sometime in the far future.  I’m too busy right now; I’ve got no time to die!  

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