With what group of people have you never really associated?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I may never associate with you again if you don’t.

. . .here are my thoughts.
With what group of people have you never really associated?
When someone says they “Work Tirelessly,” they’re implying they work with great effort and energy, not stopping until the job is done. I have a problem with this phrase. I mean, why wouldn’t I? This is Q&complAints #350—and I have no plans on stopping—so it’s obvious I have complaints surrounding just about everything! Let’s set aside the fact that tirelessly falls within a much-derided part of speech, loathed by many a famous writer: the adverb. I have never associated myself with this group of –ly haters. I, instead, disagree moreso with the –less suffix attached to tire. When you read –less anywhere within a word, you immediately think of without, or simply the opposite of the word it’s attached to. Wouldn’t tireless, then, imply the lack of need for rest or sleep? Is this tirelessly working person hopped up on amphetamines so as not to succumb to fatigue from their perpetual hard work? I think it’d be more reasonable to say you “Work Tirefully.” That more realistically implies you do the work, but become exhausted in doing so. Which may ultimately necessitate some coffee … or those amphetamines.