Rx #0000048 : New Year, New Deductible


Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients
Ever heard of Dick’s Last Resort? Never been to the restaurant myself, but I love the concept. It’s like the court jester in medieval times being able to tell the King the harsh truth since everything he said was in—you guessed it—jest. Why has no pharmacy taken up this business practice? If patients expect harsh but fair truth from the pharmacy team, they’ll accept it readily.
Welcome to URxProbablyRxight. The pharmacy of the future where we provide “Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients.”

New Year, New Deductible

[Patient]: “No, that’s not right. I’ve never paid that much. It was only $10 last time.”
[Tech]: “When was the last time you got it?”
[Pt]: “Last month.”
[Tech]: “And last month was . . .?”
[Pt]: “Ahh—December.”
[Tech]: “Which was last year. And what starts over in the new year?”
[Pt]: “Shit! I do have new insurance. I don’t have the card, though.”
[Tech]: “We’ve got a way to look it up. So we’ve already run it through your new insurance.”
[Pt]: “Ahh, great. So it’s still $10?”
[Tech]: “No! Like I said 10 seconds ago, it’s $55. All of which is going toward your . . .?”
[Pt]: “My what? I don’t know.”
[Tech]: “Your deductible. Remember, that thing that starts fresh each January? It says here you have a $500 deductible.”
[Pt]: “That’s wrong! I’ve never had a deductible.”
[Tech]: “You lookin’ for a job? ‘Cause I’ll tell you what, we’re always lookin’ for people who know how to do our jobs better than we do.”
[Pt]: “Whatever, Dillon. You don’t have to be a dick about it.”
[Tech]: “Come on, now—‘Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients.’ It’s literally right there in our mantra!”

. . . [As an employee at URxProbablyRxight, what’s your pithy method of reminding patients about their deductible?]