Q&complAints #416 : Never Seen

What film have you surprisingly never seen?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What film have you surprisingly never seen?

Citizen Kane is widely thought to be one of the greatest movies of all time.  I’ve never seen it.  At least I could’ve said that just a few days ago.  But no longer!  I’m generally not a fan of watching movies released more than a handful of years ago, but I made an exception to watch this one from—as Lincoln would have said—four score and two years ago.  The real reason I pulled the trigger on Citizen Kane is because I’ve yet to see Mank.  I watch every Oscar Best Picture nominee, and since Mank is about the creation of Citizen Kane, I figured I better see it first.  Nothing new can be said about Rosebud or Xanadu, so let’s instead focus on the newspaper’s front page headline the day after Kane lost his election bid:   


Most of this black and white film from 1941 won’t resonate with young viewers today.  In 2020, though, that 17-second scene became more relevant than ever. (I checked the credits—no mention of Nostradamus.)  While newspapers aren’t what they once were, Trump sure made use of that 24/7 “newspaper” known as Twitter.

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