What have you never done until recently?
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What have you never done until recently?
I read a book by Erin McCarthy and the team at Mental Floss:
Mental Floss: The Curious Compendium of Wonderful Words: A Miscellany of Obscure Terms, Bizarre Phrases & Surprising Etymologies
Written by the team at Mental Floss, it’s essentially a curious compendium of wonderful words. More specifically it’s a miscellany of obscure terms, bizarre phrases and surprising etymologies. You read the title, right? The book reminds me of extremely long titles of papers you might find in scientific journals. Which subsequently leads me to thinking about the sunk cost fallacy. After reading such a long title, some people rationalize they’ve already come this far, therefore might as well keep reading until the end. Others will rightfully say they got the gist of the paper from the heading alone; no need to slog through the rest of the article for nitty-gritty details and supporting data. Either way, verbose titles will likely smash the SEO algorithm, leading massive numbers of potential readers to the work. The algorithm didn’t lore me in, but that title sure did! I couldn’t pass up the rare chance to read my first book with two colons in its title.