What is the biggest indication that someone is a “nerd”?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the biggest indication that someone is a “nerd”?
The ultimate nerd would take the SAT and ACT in his 5th decade of life, just for the hell of it. I would love to retake these standardized tests, comparing my late high school brain with my current knowledge. I’d first have to verify the scores I got on each test, because I don’t exactly remember. I’d gander there’s about a 99.7% chance that my mother has the official results that were mailed to me in a scrapbook somewhere in her basement. According to a quick Google search, the maximum SAT score is 1600, while 36 is the best you can do on the ACT. Again, my memory may be deceiving me, but the numbers 1220 and 24 are jumping into my head right now. Frankly, I don’t remember what each test even consists of, but I recall a lot of vocabulary and reading-based sections, along with math. I’ve studied vocabulary nearly every day for the last few years using Word-of-the-Day at Merriam-Webster and Dictionary.com. While I may drop a few points on the math modules, I think I can more than make those points up on the language sections.
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