What is the best movie scene of all time?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the best movie scene of all time?
Picture that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where the swordsman begins performing his elaborate sword routine, only to be gunned down from a distance by Indiana Jones. Arguments can be made whether the pen truly is mightier than the sword, but the pistol whoops the sword’s pointy ass every time! Truth be told, I don’t recall ever seeing the movie in its entirety. The scene is an icon of pop culture, though—even more so because of the role diarrhea played in its creation. (Google it.) Most folks can confidently picture that exact(ish) sequence in their mind’s eye right now. Each one of us picturing it slightly differently. Or completely differently. I could’ve easily asked Google to play the clip for me so I’d be sure to describe it here in vague, yet accurate detail. But isn’t the movie we recreate in our own mind the best version? The version where superfluous details can be added or discarded at our whim. A perfect approximation for our purposes, with details free to evolve on subsequent recalls. The eternal, unchanging truth is this: never bring a knife to a gun fight.