Q&complAints #107 : Movie on TV

What movie would you want to see on television on a rainy Sunday afternoon at home?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Just write something real quick before you go back to watching TV.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What movie would you want to see on television on a rainy Sunday afternoon at home?

I for one wish they’d do away with all censorship on TV. We can still maintain the option for parental controls if parents deem it necessary. There’s this easily accessible thing called the Internet, and by my estimation the 2nd most popular web domain—taking up the rear of Google—is PornHub.com. Maybe the only reason PornHub isn’t leading the list is due to so many people using Google to link them to the flesh-filled site. For porn’s debut on daytime television, I’d like to nominate “Debbie Does Dallas.” Frankly, I know absolutely nothing about the movie, but the name is stuck in my crawl as the representative name for a pornographic film dating back to the years of my youth. I’d further like for the first airing to be Sunday afternoon—rain completely optional—at halftime of the 1:00 PM NFL games. Again, I have no idea about the runtime of the masterpiece film, but let’s be realistic, a 10-minute segment should more than suffice. Numerous Guinness World Records could be set in those 600 seconds. Luckily, few, if any, will be verifiable.